Monday, June 16, 2008

All you need is love....

So, I've been taking care of a particular older patient at work....she's had a NG tube, that she pulled out....a G-tube placed...continuous tube feeding, and she had to have wrist restraints so she wouldn't pull anything out....
Most nights, she's been non-verbal...not sleeping, but won't talk and just looks at you....
So, I went in to give her a bath, and per usual, say "How are you tonight?" She looks, waves, and says "ok." Well, I almost dropped the soap! We had a blast for 15 minutes, singing elvis songs and other songs my grandmother taught me while I was washing her up, and then when we got done she says..."ok, I'll see you later!" Throughout the night, she would say "help, help, come on god, help me out here." When I would ask her what she needed, she would only say "Love." I told her, "I love you, you are so agreeable tonight"...."Oh, I love you too, I know you're a good man. Ok, I'm going."
That's why I do what I do....
PS. On a side note, if you have a g/ng tube patient with NPO status...PLEASE make sure they are getting mouthcare, especially if they are getting breathing treatments for makes them look and feel much better....


1. Well, my last shift at work is coming up this friday....and I won't be back to nights until September until the earliest...I'm going to miss all my night shift friends, and I think I'm just going to be getting through the days....
2. I'm looking foward to working with my good NS friend, and I believe that she will be a awesome nurse...I'm trying to convince her to come to nights, because she would be a good fit.
3. I'm nervous, scared, dreading, excited...etc...I just can't believe I am going to be a RN!
4. It's gonna be a long 2 apoligies in advance...I'm going to be posting less frequently, but it is what it is....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dday is coming....NCLEX!!!!

Hey, all, just a note....I take boards on June 24th at 2PM....and I'm praying that I pass....I feel relitively confident....just not 100%. I'm quitting my job beforehand and taking 3 days to just hit it hard....I'm hopeful that things work out. Other than that and work, nothing is new I hope all my blogger friends are doing ok!