Thursday, February 21, 2008

When the nursing student gets sick....

So....I'm sick. Not your typical "oh, I'm a little stuffy, little cough, feel like crud, just need to sleep sick." This is your "My sinuses feel like I've had nasal surgery with extra packing, If I blew my nose outside I think my snotball would go into orbit, I'm coughing up stuff that has NO business being in my lungs, etc.
I've already called off for tonight, and hoping that I don't need to again tomorrow. I could really use a decent paycheck for a change.
So, what do I do? Well, so far nothing, but if I get the energy back, I'm going to spend my sick day writing presentation summaries, finding articles to write summaries for, and read chapters in my med-surg book.
I've got ice cream(not nutritious, but tastes good on a sore throat.), soup, noodles, and a PB sandwich planned for dinner. Planning on sitting in the shower for 20-30 mins later to break up the congestion. Drinking water continousely, to thin out said congestion....and hoping I don't have to answer the phone tonight as "I canot snd rite...tink I'm gona heck upp a lug.."
nite 3:15PM....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

If I had a call light for the world....

Sometimes, I can't understand timing...people who miss getting hit by seconds, who step off into traffic blindly to get to the other side...and make it. Lovers who miss finding others by minutes, because they didn't want to go somewhere new. People who seek attention by finding things for you to do every 3-5 mins.....
tonight, one of my patients was random, run of the mill, back problem....who proceeded to ask me to help turn on side....then on back...then on side...then on back...interspersed with bedpan times...even though I'd just set her up 5 mins ago....the longest break I got from her from 10Pm to 5AM? 15 mins.....

I look through my last posts and realize that I've got a lot of negative thoughts up I thought I'd end tonight with a positive......
The best feeling in the world is discharging someone who has spent over a week on your unit...when you get to know them, their family, their dx, their history almost like your own....someone had been with us for 3 weeks, the night he was due to leave.....Hit the floor. Cramping, abd pain....just crazy pain...and he'd been good the entire week...totally unlike him...Ran him down to CT....liver laceration...probably had been going the entire week....goes to show that had we sent him home during the day...he might not have made it...ICU/Surgery/ then another day out the door.....finally...I keep waiting to see if he's coming back...hope not.