Monday, March 24, 2008

The care you get.....

Sometimes I'm reminded of the old beatles song....the care you get is equal to the care you give. I think that even though patients are sick, in pain, having to deal with dx's, etc....most are willing to treat the staff well, and understand that if they need something that is not pressing...they follow up with "when you have time."
I personally have a issue with taking that to mean "when you get around to it." I provide EXCELLENT service, (as far as I know), and would rather go get what someone needs right away, versus having to remember to come back in 20 mins....besides, I'm a little slow to begin with.
Remember the reason that we are there, folks. We nurse because we care. If we didn't, why are we here? I will rue the day that I'm a patient, and I know the kind of service that I would expect....however, if I can still get up with a walker and go get some water....I'll probably do that myself, to relieve the burden.
off to work.....and spend the night listening to moonbeam conversations, and women who want breakfast at 2AM....


Tori said...

2am is breakfast time! Or pie time. Depends on what substances have been consumed before hand.

I think everyone expects amazing service, but that is difficult to give all the time. People burn out. Just make sure that you give amazing service and God/karma will take care of you when it's your turn to be a patient.

The loco days of locolorenzo said...

Tori- So true. How often have I found myself at IHOP or Denny's at 2AM after a long night....
We give what we're able, I think that's what anyone would expect. I admit I have my share of bad shifts, but something good usually happens during each I try hard to hold onto the one good event....yep, karma is a great thing...