Thursday, August 14, 2008

tips for new nursing students.

Well, someone else in the blogosphere had the idea of posting some tips for new nursing as a future nurse educator, I figured I would post some of my own...take them at face value.
1. Nursing school is HARD.
This is not the time to be out partying every weekend, not study, blow off papers, etc. Most classes only have x number of points. Miss something or bomb, and you have to work harder to make it up. One of my friends failed our last semester by 3 points....and she missed 1 5 point quiz. So every point matters.
2. However, don't become absorbed by nursing school.
It's a lot. careplans, studying, papers, tests, dealing with others. Schedule some time to yourself once a week. a movie, cooking, reading, something you enjoy. It's easier to go back to nursing stuff if you aren't sick of it.
3. You may get the psycho instructor- It's true, you hear horror stories about every instructor. If you get one that drives you nuts, remember, you MUST follow what they say...even if it makes you question your sanity. It's only one semester, you can do it. just be professional, and ask questions if you aren't sure what to do.
4. some of your classmates can drive you crazy- It's a fact that some of them are crazy themselves. be professional, friendly, but you don't have to associate with them outside of school.
5. Find a study group or a close group of NS friends to vent to- only fellow nursing students understand what your going through...I don't know where I'd be without them.
6. Always ask questions to floor nurses...especially if it's one who enjoys teaching- and you can tell.
Hope this helps!


Moira said...

I have learned much more from some floor nurses, and techs, then my clinical instructor last semester. I am nervous to start up again, as I feel like I wasn't prepped too well last semester. Oh well, I'll just smile and bathe my patients.

smith said...

i think the number 1 is so absurd. There is not course that is easy. if you really want to be a nurse you should do your best. if you dont have passion then it would really be hard.

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