Sunday, February 10, 2008

Polish is as polish does......

Nice, eh? That's what I was faced with last night, 2 hours of popping in on a 87 yo woman in for hip surgery. She kept trying to get out of bed, and after a few times of explaining that she was in her bed for the 87th time...I just couldn't deal anymore. I explained that everytime she was crooked I had to fix her hip, and I also had to roll her around more and more.....sry, but that's what I do. She let loose a stream of polish words (I think most were least that's what the raised middle fingers seemed to be telling me). Then, when I explained "maam, you'll need to speak english, not polish...I can't understand polish." she then replied with the title of this post. least I get a good jump at studying psych nursing with patients like this. All take care and stay warm as it's about ohhhhhh -10 here before wind chill......peace.

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